Sponsorship FAQ

As a Salvos Sponsor, you are beginning someone’s freedom story. 

Your $35 monthly gift will support a community development project or an educational centre that offers community development activities.

  • Access to clean water and sanitation facilities
  • Access to health facilities
  • Opportunities for education
  • Literacy and  skills training
  • Micro-credit schemes
  • Support for small and medium-sized businesses
  • Access to livestock, tools and agricultural skills

Together, we can be community builders and change the future for children living in poverty overseas. 

  • Advocacy – empower local communities to understand and secure their rights to essential services.
  • Education – provide children with opportunities for education, promote the importance of education to parents and encourage adults to participate in non-formal or vocational education.
  • Healthcare – provide and improve health facilities  and better access to these services
  • Water and sanitation – work with local corps (Salvation Army churches) and communities to drill boreholes, build wells, construct toilets and provide basic sanitation and hygiene training.
  • Food and agriculture – provide tools and training to improve and protect the income and food sources of families in developing communities.
  • Income generation - micro-credit schemes, skills and vocational training to improve incomes, and support for small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Facilities for the disabled – facilities and opportunities for those with disabilities, enabling them to fully participate in their community. 

Salvos Sponsorship promotes child-centred community, an approach that empowers children, their families and communities to become agents of their own development.

In supporting child-centred community development, you are providing equal opportunity for all children in our programs to reach their full potential. You are helping to break intergenerational poverty and creating sustainable change for children, their families and communities.

Through Salvos Sponsorship, the impact of your financial contribution is magnified as it supports a development program that meets the specific needs of a community.

As a Salvos Sponsor, you will not only address the root causes of poverty, but empower families and communities to lift themselves out of poverty through participation in sustainable income-generating activities, skills training and hygiene education. With improved community access to clean water, healthcare and education, children are empowered and supported to build brighter futures. 

To achieve the best outcomes, sponsorship contributions are combined and sometimes supplemented with funds from other sources, including government grants and fundraising. 

These funds are used to implement child-centred community development projects that empower all children in a supported community to reach their full potential.

For sponsorship, 90% of funds are used for field work and 10% are used to ensure governance, administration and fundraising here in Australia.

As a Salvos Sponsor you will receive:

  • A welcome pack!
  • Annual subscription to Salvos Just Gifts catalogue
  • Biannual newsletter
  • Annual sponsorship tax receipt  

Sponsorship contributions of $35 a month or more can be made monthly or quarterly.

We encourage automatic deductions from a credit card or bank account as this is the easiest and most reliable payment method.

As a Salvos Sponsor, you can also choose a non-automatic payment method. Please call or write to us to discuss making arrangements.

  • A personal cheque (payable to The Salvation Army)
  • Money order

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